Elseworlds Wiki

Dexterity is a measure of hand-eye coordination, precision, and manual dexterity.

Your Dexterity rank applies to:

  • Attack checks for ranged attacks.
  • Sleight of Hand and Vehicles skill checks.
  • Dexterity checks for feats of fine control and precision when a specific skill doesn’t apply.

Debilitated Strength, Agility, or Dexterity means the hero collapses: defenseless, immobilized, and stunned (although still conscious and aware).

A creature with no Dexterity cannot manipulate objects and hence cannot make physical attacks


Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook, Copyright 2011, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson. Chapter-3 Abilities, Pg 54-59

D20Hero SRD Ability Article- http://www.d20herosrd.com/3-abilities
