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Power to use the abilities of spirit. Variation of Mythic Physiology.

Spirit Pysiology

Power Array


Also Called[]

  • Spectral Being

  • Spirit Form/Mimicry


User with this ability either is or can transform into an spirit: a supernatural and conscious (although not necessarily sentient) being that in its normal state is incorporeal, invisible and immaterial. Many spirits are able to materialize either by shifting into more solid form or taking a vessel to give them physical shape, this can be done either by possessing already existing form (either living being or object) or by animating and wrapping part of the environment "around" them.

There are several types of spirits, ranging from the souls of dead (ghosts) to the spirits of places, objects, concepts and/or elements. Several forms of magic center around contacting and bargaining with spirits.


  • Ectoplasm Manipulation

  • Empathy

  • Fear Inducement

  • Flight

  • Freezing

  • Illusion Manipulation

  • Intangibility

  • Invisibility

  • Phantasm Manipulation

  • Possession

  • Telekinesis

  • Teleportation


  • Astral Manipulation

  • Astral Trapping

  • Death Inducement

  • Decelerated Aging or Semi-Immortality

  • Disease Manipulation

  • Dream Walking

  • Ghost-Light/Will-o'-the-wisp

  • Mental Inducement

  • Portal Creation

Ghost Physiology: spirits/souls of the dead, often bound to stay until certain conditions are met. This can vary from honorable burial, unfinished business/revenge or self-appointed duties. Ancestral spirits are part of this group, given their involvement/ties with their families.

Spirits of Nature: manifestations/embodiments of natural phenomena, places, elements or animals.

  • Animal Spirits/Totems: spirits connected to either certain species (cats, hawks), family (felines, raptors) or class (mammals, birds)

    • Animal Manipulation, Animal Imitation

  • Elementals/Elemental Spirits: spirits of certain elements.

    • Elemental Manipulation, Elemental Mimicry

    • Ala Physiology

    • German Physiology

  • Genius loci: spirits of places, either natural areas or objects or places that could include cities or buildings.

    • Environmental Manipulation

Poltergeist Physiology - Spirits that haunt a person rather than a location, who destroy things for no reason and get more violent the more they are ignored.


  • Ancestral Evocation

  • Astral Projection

  • Communing

  • Daimon Physiology

  • Ectoplasm Mimicry

  • Ethereal Physiology

  • Faery Physiology

  • Mediumship

  • Necromancy

  • Shamanism

  • Soul Manipulation

  • Spiritual Symbiosis


  • Certain forms of magic and technology allow their users to control and/or imprison spirits.

  • May be vulnerable to any abilities that affect spirits such as a Spirit Barrier or Exorcism.


Superpower Wiki Spirit Physiology Article - http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Spirit_Physiology

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