Elseworlds Wiki

The power to achieve great rocket-like jumps, while having hassle-free landings. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition .

Enhanced Jump
Leaping -

Also Called[]

Enhanced Jumping

Mega Jump

Super Jump/Leap

Superhuman Jumping


Users can jump incredible distances and land safely, covering frighteningly tall heights and long distances. Usually comes with strong legs. In some cases a jump can fool an observer into believing the person is "Flying", such as with early Superman comics.


Amphibian Physiology; Frogs and Toads

Double Jump

Enhanced Condition

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Swinging

Insect Physiology; Grasshoppers and Crickets

Marsupial Physiology; Kangaroo

Levels []

Peak Human Jump

Supernatural Leap


Not actual Flight, but can help in getting a good start off in flight.

Legs require full operation, may even require a running start.


Superpower Wiki Enhanced Jump Article-  http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Jump

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